How to thrive as a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP)
Learned Behavior vs Predisposition
HSP as a powerful quality
The Individual vs The Group
My body didn't want me to track my period. Here's why.
No pain, no gain
Protection from EMF-radiation
Meaningful Symptoms - Position Dizziness
Journaling - a Gateway to your Soul
A heart as big as the world (my personal mission)
Why it can be a good thing to "blame the victim".
I Want You to Get Excited About Your Life!
How to Own Your Happiness
The Recovering Psychologist – From Master to Magic.
You're only vulnerable in victim-mode
Coronavirus - What if we actually need it?
Angst als raadgever
Vaccinatie: een medicijn tegen de boodschappen van het leven
Doe jij ook anderen tekort door jezelf klein te houden?
Dank je wel lief lichaam!