Meet Kinga
Holistic Therapist, Mental Coach, Energy Healer, Transmutation Guide,
Expert from Experience
Up Close & Personal
Because of my personal experience with chronic complaints, family issues, and a stressful childhood, I knew early on that I wanted to become a psychologist. It was hard work, but I managed to graduate in 2005 and started working as a psychologist in 2007. By then I had years of ignoring my intuition and not being able to cope with my emotions under the belt. Although I was aware of my toxic patterns and challenges, and had been working on them from the age of 11, for the most part I just muscled through.
Until a severe illness, a burn-out, and a devastating loss turned my world upside down. And urgently invited me to take a good look at myself. My spiritual journey began. I opened up to myself. To life. And started healing...
The transformations I went through are numerous and quite profound. From being a victim-minded, chronically ill, extremely shy/anxious girl to the lighthouse I am today. Every day I am grateful for and curious about the experiences that life brings. That kind of attitude I wish for everyone!
One of my favorite quotes is:
"Things don't happen to you.
They happen THROUGH you and FOR you."
My other favorite quote is:
"The most important relationship you will ever have
is the one with yourself."
Some other things about me:
My name is Kinga Martincsek-de Wit, I was born in 1981 in Warsaw (Poland) and have lived in the Netherlands since I was almost 8 years old until August 2023. Then I fulfilled one of my dreams by moving to Spain 😊
I am married to Robin and mother of Gabor (2019) and a dog.
Besides psychology my great passions are: writing, learning, and singing.
My name means "leader of the people" and my horoscope is Aries (leader of the pack). I'm a Human Design Projector.
I love working with the energies of the moon, crystals, herbs, and essential oils.

You Are...
struggling with
* (mild) mental health issues (like depression, anxiety, ADHD, stress, overwhelm etc),
* chronic health problems (chronic pain, allergies, chronic illness),
* low self-esteem, setting boundaries, taking good care of yourself.
You are struggling because you haven't figured out yet how to live your life in a way that feels true to who you really are. You want more than just "to get by". You're tired of being in survival mode most of the time.
You're longing for a break. You know you can't go on like this forever. It's time for a change. You deserve that.
Your well-being matters!!
What would it mean for you to start the day with a smile on your face? To feel well-rested, balanced, emotionally regulated? In harmony with the people around you? How important is it for you to have deep, meaningful connections and relationships, starting with yourSelf? To have the time, energy, and freedom to be successful in your career or business AND be present with your kids? What if you knew what to do and how to do it?
How would your body profit from self-love, self-compassion, and self-care?
This is all possible for you. I'm here for you. Offering a helping hand. I look forward to supporting you on your journey.
I am a Psychologist, EMDR Therapist, NLP Practitioner, Time Line Therapy Master, OldPain2Go® Practitioner, Child in Mind® Worker, Akashic Records Reader, Nutritional Therapist, EFT/Tapping Therapist, Access Bars® Practitioner, Feng Shui Consultant, Lightworker, Human Deasign and Tarot Reader, Couples Counselor, and Energy Healer with over 17 years of experience in mental health care, wellness coaching and spiritual guidance.
I am highly sensitive, practical, down-to-earth, and straightforward. I like to work intuitively, call people out on their BS, preferably with a touch of humor.
But mostly I am "just" me: a human being trying to figure out this life experience just like everybody else.
My personal experience with both physical and mental complaints of myself and people in my immediate environment is the source of my passion for working with people with psychological issues, chronic pain, and the desire for self-actualization.
My expertise lies in holistic coaching. It is my gift to see people's true potential and figure out the root causes of pains and patterns.
And I am a true "change agent". Change is my Soul's blueprint.
I trust the self-healing ability of the body and want to show and teach people how to use this consciously. With the help of the law of attraction, I teach people how to heal their life from the inside out.
As my client you will see that everything is happening in response to you and in service of you. You can unconsciously and passively endure the events in your life or take control of your internal processes and thus your happiness, health, relationships, success, etc. The choice is yours!