Over the years, I've been transitioning to a healthier, more conscious, and holistic lifestyle. This might mean different things for different people, but just in case you're interested in my journey and would like some tips to try out, here's what it means for me...
Taking responsibility for my happiness, health, and life. Using my discernment, engaging logical thinking, my heart, and my intuition to guide me, and following my inner truth (aka "what feels right").
Being mindful of toxins: eliminating as much food, thoughts, people, and other possible pollutants that are hard to digest.
There are people who are a lot further along in this than I am. But I'm well on my way. Here are some changes I've made throughout the years that might give you some ideas to try out or investigate further:
Minding my thoughts, being grateful, healing old wounds, making conscious decisions, choosing environments that nurture my well-being, eating foods that nourish and replenish my energy and are prepared/cooked at home (with the occasional "bad" foods - for now), not smoking or drinking alcohol (well, maybe twice a year), detoxing/fasting, using fluoride-free toothpaste, oil pulling, not wearing a bra as much as possible, lymphatic drainage, not using fabric softener for our clothes, not drinking coffee, drinking herbal tea made from fresh ginger and other herbs, using Celtic salt to improve water absorption, drinking enough water, and making sure I stay hydrated by eating fruit as well.
I'm also using crystals and essential oils, growing my own herbs, using Feng Shui to optimize the flow of energy in our home, no vaccinations, no medicine unless absolutely necessary, not going to doctors unless absolutely necessary (or to get a diagnosis, which makes it easier for me to work on the underlying issues), no "well" visits for my son, moving my body, taking care of myself in terms of rest and balance, not watching the news, not using deodorant, hardly ever wearing makeup (thank God for TikTok filters, haha), and being mindful about what I put on my body in terms of skin care, hair care, and nail polish.
Of course, following my heart and purpose, filling my days with activities that light me up, and serving others are a big part of staying happy and healthy.
There are healthy alternatives for all the toxic products most people use on a daily basis. You can even make them yourself. There are tutorials online that teach you these practices for free. I am educating myself on these topics almost daily and following my intuition on which tips to try out for myself.
For me, it's transitioning one step at a time. I don’t want to overwhelm myself by stepping too far out of my comfort zone all at once. There are still many things I can improve in my daily life, for me and my family. But doing the things I mentioned above already makes me feel really good. It shows me that I care about myself. It’s an act of self-love. I'm not perfect at it, but I've already come a long way (I have a history of chronic health/pain issues, allergies, depression, anxiety, binge eating, burn-out, and fibromyalgia, infertility, that have all been resolved by good food, awareness of what my body was communicating, and taking appropriate action) and continue to grow and evolve. And I'm here to tell you, it's worth it. Just start.
And if you feel like you might need some help, I'd love to be your guide and show you how you can take charge of your happiness and well-being.
