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My coaching story: I'm human, just like you

My story is about my personal transformation from being a shy, introverted child with lots of anxieties and chronic ailments into a vibrant, strong, healthy, outgoing woman.


My story is about discovering the inner (healing) power that lies in each and every one of us, that we can learn to use. It's about making conscious decisions to free myself from the chains of my past and releasing old ways and paradigms that didn't serve me. 


It's a story of overcoming  road blocks and challenges, and making the absolute best of every situation. From being overly adaptive and taking care of everyone else besides me, feeling depressed, using avoidance and dependency as a coping mechanism, and being too serious and responsible and constantly sad and ill from a very young age into a pro active go-getter and entrepreneur. 

My transformations are numerous and considered impossible by traditional doctors and psychologists. Yet here I am. Being a psychologist and coach myself, thriving in spite of struggles, feeling absolutely great an helping people to achieve their optimal well-being.


I stumbled and fell more than once. I made choices from despair instead of my inner wisdom. I suffered the consequences. And now... I'm all about practicing what I preach :)


Let my story inspire you to rise above your own limitation. After all: if I can do it, so can you!


But enough about me! Let's talk about the issues YOU're struggling with and help you get on track towards happiness, freedom, abundance and well-being. The first call is FREE! You can schedule your discovery session here.


Can't get enough though and interested in getting to know me even better before we talk? You can find more information below.

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