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About - Interview with Kinga

How long have you been doing what you do, and how did you become a well-being and happiness expert?

To answer this question, it’s probably best that I share with you a defining moment and a resulting “compelling story”, that brought me to where I am today – coaching people like you to better health, optimal wellness, vitality and joy.


That defining moment in my life happened in 2011. All my life I had been struggling with chronic pain and that one defining moment, a day before I was going to fly to the USA to get married to the love of my life, a miracle happened. It was at a Time Line Therapy (TM) course where I was practicing this technique with my fellow students. It was then that I discovered that the root cause of my chronic back pain was psychosomatic. And that I needed to heal through the power of insight and acknowledgment of my emotions, rather than suppress and ignore the symptoms. I had spent years going to physiotherapists and being treated by chiropractors, which had never solved my problems and had offered only temporary relief. That day, when I chose to work on my back problems during this course, the pain magically, instantly and effortlessly dissolved and has been gone ever since.

It was because of that experience with Time Line Therapy (TM),  I learned that
A) We can influence our bodies, illnesses, pains and complaints, at times even to the point where pain is resolved.
B) Our body is a valuable ally that wants to communicate with us and can give us important information if we allow ourselves to listen to it and take it seriously.
C) Bodily symptoms are often caused by negative feelings we keep repressed (unconsciously).

D) It's important to look at the underlying psychosomatic factors that contribute to and often even cause physical symptoms. You cannot fix physically what is psychological in nature. And even if you can, if you don't address the underlying issues, the symptoms will come back or a new, more severe, symptom will ask your attention. I learned to listen to the whispers of my body before it starts to yell at me.


It was after this experience that I decided to help other people with overcoming and dealing with chronic pain. And it was because of this experience that I started my quest to learn more about the self-healing mechanisms of the human body.

So how about becoming a psychologist and turning to coaching?

Becoming a psychologist was a dream I held from the age of about 3. I didn't know what a psychologist was at that time, but I've always had the desire to help people and make sure that everybody was happy.


I was born in Warsaw, the capital city of Poland, during times of scarcity and civil war. I had a rough start, with my mother being in labor for 3 whole days and me almost dying. I was a strong, healthy baby, though, that wound up in the incubator with a life threating bacterial disease a few days after birth. Thankfully my mother took me out of that hospital and did everything to keep me alive. Needless to say, I survived.

I was also a highly sensitive child. I was bullied at school, but also stood up for others that were targeted. I found it difficult to cope with the hard, unfair world I was growing up in. Also, the illness and its treatment had weakened my immune system and I was sick a lot: a few days at school, 3 weeks recovering at home. That's how I remember it. I almost don't recall being in kindergarten or in class at all.

My first years were filled with stomach aches, broken bones (probably due to the use of large amounts of antibiotics when I was a baby), visits to the pediatrician and the dentist. When I was about 6 years old I almost died from food poisoning. I don't know if this had anything to do with my susceptibility to disease, but it most certainly had everything to do with eating berries that probably were contaminated by the Chernobyl disaster, which had happened a year before (in 1986). I remember it well: I was sitting in bed, looking up at my mom and telling her "mama I'm dying". Then everything turned black. I was rushed to the hospital and not a moment too soon as my mother later told me.

My mom worked hard and was away often. She worked for a company that traded with China and was sometimes abroad for up to a month, leaving me in the care of my grandmother. Which was great on one hand, but also very challenging since my grandma suffered from severe, undiagnosed psychiatric disorders. My father wasn't really around. He and my mom fought a lot and got divorced when I was about 5 years old.


It took me years to recover from what I came to call the "tyranny" and feelings of rejection. So now, when people tell me they are battling "ghosts from the past, difficult circumstances and trauma's due to their upbringing", I think I can, to some extent, relate to them.


Additionally, I was tormented by headaches. Each and every day from the age of 5 till about 20. I suffered through everything I did. Reading was a big hobby of mine, but I couldn't do that without feeling some kind of strain, thumping, fogginess or nagging feeling in my head. At age 19 my headaches evolved to a migraine. 

From age 12 til 30 I had chronic pain in my spine after I had fallen flat on my back from a swing. In the meantime, I was also familiar with Candida overgrowth which was discovered at age 15 and taught me the importance of nutrition for vitality and health. Before I was diagnosed with the Candida Syndrome, I had been chronically fatigued. There was nothing physically wrong with me, so the doctor had told me that I should come to terms with the situation and learn to live with it. My mother did not accept that and found her way to the office of a natural doctor. The diet and (awful) pills I got, helped me gain my energy back. Even now, when I start feeling “inexplicably” tired, I know I have to watch my diet. 


When I was 8 years old my mother married a man from Holland who became my stepfather. The transition from Poland to Holland was hard, especially for my mother. Basically, she couldn't take care of herself and me as well as before. My survival instinct kicked in and I transformed myself from a shy, anxious child to a brave young woman. What I didn't realize then is that it would take me years of hard work to recover from all these "adjustments" I had put myself through. (If you're interested in the full story, I'll get into it in more detail in my upcoming book. You can also order my largely biographical book of poems here.)


I was a serious, overly responsible and mature child. I thought it was my job to make my mother happy and take care of everyone around me. As a result, I suffered from dysthymic disorder (a sort of mild chronic depression), binge eating disorder and panic attacks. My body was tired from all the pain and I was frustrated and unhappy. Throughout my life, I experienced different struggles, ongoing stress, emotional abuse and mental disorders. I've been up close and personal with heartbreak, dysfunctional family affairs, suicide attempts and drinking problems of loved ones, passing of family and friends, breaking off contact with family members, not setting boundaries and trying to please everyone but myself. I was constantly analyzing why I did what I did, who I was and how I'd become that way. I could pinpoint each painful remark that had scarred me and I blamed everything and everyone for my distress.  


Then, after talking to a good friend of mine about my struggles (for the 100th time) she asked me how much more time and energy I was going to spend on the past. I realized she had a point and I made a choice. I decided then and there that it was enough. I was fed up with being fed up and always feeling "not quite like myself". That was a turning point in my life. I decided to be optimistic, happy and enjoy my life. Obviously, that took a lot of work on myself and my relationships. I rediscovered my inner child, healed what needed to be healed and finally let myself experience playfulness, creativity, and curiosity. Now, years later, I can honestly say that I'm genuinely happy. Every hurdle, each painful decision brought me to where I am today. I absolutely love my life and everything about it. I'm grateful for my experiences and I'm excited to find out what the future holds for me! And I'm passionate about helping people to get excited about their lives.


Obviously, I cannot stress enough, that my experiences, their impact on me and my life and what I did to cope with them are something completely personal and cannot be objectively qualified. I don't believe we can ever TRULY understand what other people are going through, even if we've had similar experiences. And that's exactly what my Programs are all about: learning from your own experiences, overcoming obstacles and fears, trying to understand the feedback your life is giving you and figuring out how to break the chains of your past to make conscious choices and create a better future for yourself. Here's an example of how you can unravel what's going wrong in your life and turn it around to get yourself on the right path:


2009 was another defining year for me. After a year of ending my relationship of almost 4 years and searching myself in all the wrong places, starting and ending new love affairs, moving 5 times in one year, renovating my new home, working full time and coping with family issues...something just snapped in me. What followed was exhaustion, high blood pressure, and a full blown burn-out. It took me some time to recover from all this stress. Yet again I had learned an important lesson: to listen to my heart and body! I decided to follow my long-held dream of having my own practice. End 2010 "Wellness in Mind" was born, which helped me recover from the chains of my past and has allowed me to grow as a person and caregiver.


After working as a psychologist for several years, training myself in different areas (NLP, Hypnosis, EFT, EMDR, etc) and through my own personal development, I found out, that coaching and giving people practical guidelines suits me better than working as a conventional psychologist. I love to motivate people and show the possibilities and opportunities that life is full of, especially when they feel stuck. I also have a strong belief that people aren't really broken. They just need love, attention, and careful guidance to be able to thrive. And I'm no softy either. I like to confront people, give them a loving kick in the ass, hold them accountable for their (in)actions and be their personal cheerleader. I have faith in my clients, their talents, and possibilities. I'm fully committed to their success. I have only one condition for working with me: my clients have to be willing and able to really commit to their own well-being. It's hard work after all and it's not in my power to do that kind of work for them.


I now call myself a holistic wellness coach. I believe that human beings don't need to be "fixed". They can heal, which means reconnect to their essence by stripping themselves from expectations/rules/habits that don't serve them anymore and are not aligned with their inner truth and be "whole" again. It's accomplished through careful examination of every part of their life and by nourishing their physical body, emotions, mind AND soul.


Throughout my life I had already learned the importance of nutrition, taking good care of my body, the impact of (suppressed) emotions and, of course, the mind as a keystone for wellness. How vital it is to also practice spirituality, is a relatively new concept for me. Although spiritual ideas were fairly common in my life, I never thought of myself as "spiritual".


You see, I was raised with religious and spiritual ideas like "everything happens for a reason", with paranormal phenomena, reading cards and hand palms, numerology, etc. It's part of my Polish culture. But I suppressed my spiritual gifts, emotions, and sensitivity in order to protect myself and be able to do the work I loved. Because I was afraid I'd get overwhelmed by the negative emotions of my clients and succumb to feelings of powerlessness regarding family issues, I shielded myself by rationalizing everything, "fleeing into my head" and shutting down my emotions completely.  


This resulted in depression and "losing myself". Although I've always had a strong sense of right and wrong, identity and a powerful connection to my intuition, over the years, while trying to shield myself from negative emotions and coping with consecutive stressful events, I lost the ability to communicate with my "gut feeling". In other words, in order to really be able to claim that I'm a holistic coach, one part of my own "wholeness" was missing. Until...


My husband and I always wanted to start a family. In 2014, after trying for 3 years, we finally got pregnant. Unfortunately, we lost the baby at 8 weeks. It was an experience I really thought I couldn't recover from. All my life I was able to learn from the things that happened. I could understand them and be grateful for the lessons. This lesson I didn't understand. It was just too hard. This event left me broken and wholeheartedly angry. I knew someday the lesson I had to learn from this experience would become clear to me, but the first year after the miscarriage I was caught up in resentment and bitterness. Now, almost 2 years later, I can see why I had to go through such an ordeal. I can even feel deeply humbled and grateful because my unborn child completely changed the path I was on. She (I think it was a girl) showed me I was not being true to myself and she led the way to the missing link in my life: spirituality.


This experience thus led me to my spiritual awakening and helps me to guide others through their transformational discoveries and their process of loss. My husband and I were able to come to terms with what happened.

Since I started my own Spiritual growth I learned to open up and use my intuitive gifts and I learned several modalities to help people get the much needed guidance from their own spirit guides and inner wisdom.



Who are your clients?

I work with people just like you. Most people I work with are feeling stuck, stressed out, depressed, angry or anxious. People that want to find their way in our current society, that want to work on their personal growth, people who really want to make a difference in their lives and help others, people with chronic pain, low energy, burn-out, work-related issues, the worriers, the doubters, the highly sensitive, the lonely, the overwhelmed and frustrated... Basically everybody from the age of 18 - 90 that is able and willing to invest in him- or herself and wants to commit to their health and happiness.


People often wonder if they have to be "crazy" to visit a psychologist. I can assure them that most of my clients are just "normal", ordinairy peoply like you and me that had their times of troubles and just need some help to get them back on the right track.


Through my programs and sessions I strive to make my clients independent from me and others. I want them to take their lives into their own hands, have the courage to make wholehearted decisions and be the beautiful, strong beings I already know they are. 

What makes you different from other life coaches?

Well, first of all, I am a trained and experienced psychologist, so I am able to spot and help resolve any underlying (mild, mental) problems.


Second, of all, I have my own experience with all kinds of problems and struggles which allows me to understand what my clients are going through a little bit better and hopefully inspire them with my personal stories and victories.


Thirdly, I am extremely driven. One of the most important things to me is learning and growing. I followed a lot of courses and workshops and I continuously keep adding to my knowledge and experience. I feel I can better serve my clients by updating and expanding my toolbox.


The fourth difference is my holistic approach. I focus on my clients as a whole (emotions, body, mind, soul). This makes it possible for my clients to work on all areas of their lives and achieve real balance, satisfaction, and meaningfulness. If requested, I can add spiritual readings and guidance to the mix (for more information please visit


I see myself as the most valuable instrument in my life and my coaching sessions. I want to "keep things real" and teach my clients to also act from their inner truth and authentic selves. It's so liberating! You get to keep your integrity, energy, and balance.


I draw from my own experience and have used all the techniques I offer you myself. Some people think a psychologist or coach shouldn't share personal stories and inside information. That's ok. I don't force anyone to work with me or read my books. The people who do like my approach, though, read about my life's adventures and enroll in my programs, appreciate me for being honest. They find it reassuring, that I'm a human-being of flesh and blood, just as they are. I'm not just some highly educated so-called specialist who learned "all about life" at school. I'm a true expert. I've been where you are, I got through it. And I can show you how you can have YOUR Wellness Breakthrough. You may not always like what I have to tell you – but you can be sure I will always tell you the truth. The truth about what’s standing in the way of your success and how to get rid of it FAST so you can start getting results in record time (and I throw in a healthy dose of humor and inspiration, which always helps!).


I also have a strong and clear vision of life, happiness, and our responsibility to consciously move forward, continuously grow as human beings and through our experiences expand our collective knowledge and well-being. It's all about connecting with each other and making the world a better place. 

What type of personality do you work best with and what is expected of me as your client?

The Breakthrough workshops, products and programs were created for people who are absolutely excited and dead serious about breaking through the chains of their past, exploring their inner selves and their possibilities, taking on this journey we call life and taking reponsibilty for their own expansion, freedom, health and happiness. They were created for people who are ready to invest in themselves and need the continous support, coaching and personal attention to keep them motivated in working towards their goals. Most people know very well what they should be doing in order to feel better, but are somehow unable to follow through on these insights. They feel stuck. And it's obviously not that easy to change your behaviour! If it was, if it only took us knowing what to do, we'd all be doing what we know is good for us en we wouldn't need any psychologists or coaches to help us, right?!


Being a high achieving go-getter myself, I’m known to work best with other high achieving go-getters, people who are committed to their success no matter what, who are super-duper-ready to get going and just want to know exactly what steps to take to get there. My clients often tell me – “just tell me what to do and I’ll do it!” Consider what you’ll do with me to be a crash course on everything you need to know to become the vibrant, happy you. You will be expected to take serious and consistent action. No excuses anymore, just a very different way of thinking and full support while you achieve this incredibly exciting goal: your wellness breakthrough.

For what type of clients are your programs NOT going to work?

Please know I’m very selective in who I work with and I cherry-pick my clients, choosing to (gently) turn away people who aren’t suited for my programs and won’t get the results for which they would have signed up for. (It wouldn’t be fair to them.) Also, my clients need to be really motivated and clear about the results they want. I can also help with that.


The Breakthrough programs are NOT for those who have no money coming in and are absolutely, financially desperate, at least not right away. I know, that when you really, really, really want something, you'll be able to find a way to get it. The only thing that can stand in the way of us working together is anxiety. And that's perfectly normal. I can help you work through that. It would be such a shame for you to deny yourself wellness, happiness and freedom because of limiting beliefs, right?


On the other hand, it’s been my experience that people in financial crisis do not trust the recommendations I give them and do not do the work (probably because they spend so much time worrying about where they are going to get next month’s rent check or mortgage payment.) If you fall within this category, it’s absolutely OK. We’ve all been in times of financial crisis at one point or another. Do yourself (3) favors:


♥ Get some money coming in with a full-time or part-time job at the very least, and then call me. This will take the edge off and provide a little more peace of mind. Mostly, it will de-clutter your mind enough to focus on your Breakthrough assignments and the BIG picture. 


♥ Sign up for the free Traning over email (Click here to subscribe.) The free information will get you started towards your goals until you’re ready to work with me one-on-one.


♥ Make a point to read the “Wellness Breakthrough” monthly tip in my newsletter and follow me on FaceBook. The tips I share through these channels are free and will give you LOTS to think about.


Doing these three things will really help you get primed for our work. When you’re ready, call me and we’ll get you started. (I’m in no rush and will be here when you need me.) 



As I offer my services online and the most important thing is to ensure a warm, safe environment for everybody during the Program, it's of great importance that you realize, that I'm not able to provide any interventions or services for people in life-threatening situations. If you're in some kind of crisis, especially emotionally or mentally, please immediately contact your family doctor, the hospital or the emergency number in your area.


This program is also NOT for you if you:


♥ Don't believe that positive changes are possible for you and that you have the power to make those changes.


♥ Are expecting an "easy ride" or a "magic pill". There's no such thing. If you want something, you'll have to work for it, give something in return. You get nothing for nothing. The magic is life itself. The magic is IN YOU. The program will help you see that and work with it.


♥ Aren't ready or able to commit to yourself or your success, make time to attend the group sessions or listen to the recordings of the Q&A calls or actively work through the videos and exercises. 


♥ Are not coachable.


If you are one of these people, I gently and respectfully ask that you not call and I hope you understand why. We’ll probably just not work well together and I wouldn’t want you to waste your time or money. 

Kinga, based on everything I’ve read and heard about you, I know you’re the one I want to learn from. What are my options for getting started with you?

Congratulations on making a decision for well-being and happiness! I’m happy to work with you to achieve your goals… For more information about the program and how to join me online, please click the button below:

If I’m not sure I’m ready to get started, how can I sample your work at low cost to see if it’s the right solutions for me?

Of course! You can follow me on social media to get familiar with me and my way of teaching/coaching. You can subscribe to the mailing list (see Homepage) or book a stand-alone session with me.




OK, I’m ready to do this for myself, but I have a couple of additional questions. Can I CALL you?



Woohoo! I'm so excited for you! It sounds like you’re ready to rocket-launch yourself into your future! Yes, if you have a couple of questions, just email me at or schedule Skype-call directly online by clicking the button below. I'll be happy to walk you through the different options to see which one will be the very best for you. I can’t wait to see you succeed and am honored to be the one to help you.


Let’s get your happy on!



To Your Wellness, Happiness & Freedom





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